The initial plan was to flip a 915 gearbox…an idea that I was never quite sure of. So I did some mock ups and measurements to see how it would work. Bottom line..not on this project. Inverting the box would place the axles some 6 1/2 inches above where they should be. I could only lower the engine/transmission 2 1/2 inches..not nearly enough to get proper alignment of the axle/C.V. to the rear drive hubs. Running the axles/c.v joints at this high an angle would last about a lap or two. Another issue is placing the heaviest part of the transmission at the highest possible point. Not a good idea on a race car or any vehicle for that matter. Last, but not least..the upper and lower bolt pattern on the transmission is asymmetrical, meaning I would have to weld the engine case..which is not going to happen. The solution..flip the ring that is what I did. I also installed a Wevo bearing retainer and a Wevo shift kit, along with a heavy duty differential side cover. The transmission itself was in good shape for something I had sitting on the self for some 30 years. Fabricated a rear mount and it is set to go.